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If you are interested in placing a banner ad or sending a message to the list service associated
with this web site, send an e-mail to

Only those sites or businesses that are of interest to the readers will be considered.  No
objectionable material or sites will be accepted.  Rates change, so any quotes will be good
for 30 days.

Julie Rogers
Publisher and Webmaster

Demographics for this site:
750,000 and up hits per month
98% female
87% mothers
62% completed higher education

Our Facebook Page can be used as well to increase effectiveness of any advertising.

In general, these will be the guidelines for ad costs.
A one year link in an appropriate category $125, the home page sponsor banner $55 per
month.  I prefer paypal for payment.

Mystery shopping, Merchandising and other companies that hire people and
do not have fees, will always be listed at no charge.  However, if you are looking
for a large influx of shoppers or other type of workers send me an e-mail and I
can customize a "push" campaign that will net you many new applications. The cost
of a push campaign varies with the advertisers requirements.

I am also very open to newsletter and link exchanges.

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Use this banner to link to MOM!MOM!

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